YSX’s Listing Criteria

  1. It shall be a registered company limited by shares in accord with the Myanmar Companies Act, conducting the business in line with the public company’s features and procedures.
  2. It shall have at least 100 shareholders and above.
  3. Paid-up capital shall be the minimum of kyat 500 million on the date of application.
  4. It shall have the profit at least 2 years during the period of before the date of application.
  5. The business shall have the stable basic income and conduct in accordance with the existing laws.
  6. The Board of Directors and the heads of the company shall be in good character and have had not been having any punishment by a court, in addition, have not been facing any lawsuits. They shall perform their duties and responsibilities with well-prepared, in good-faith and fairly in line with the laws.
  7. The Board of Directors and the heads of the company shall not act any deceptive manners by the public for the interest of the company and self-interest.
  8. Each Director of the public company shall not do any business which has the same interest carrying out by the public company, except with the approval of Shareholder meeting.
  9. The company, the Board of Directors and the heads of such company shall not be included in the black list of any public and government organizations.
  10. Book-keeping of accounts and auditing of the company shall be undertaken in accordance with the Myanmar Accounting Standards and Myanmar Standards on Auditing.
  11. The company shall fulfill tax duties in accordance with existing tax laws of Myanmar.
  12. The disclosure of relevant corporate information and the facts that the public should be known, shall be disclosed and submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission of Myanmar and
    Yangon Stock Exchange, besides it shall be disclosed and announced to the public by means of easy understandable and best suitable ways in timely manner. For disclosure of corporate
    information, it shall prescribe especially and precisely on the matters which have a considerable impact on investment decisions of the investors, such as the risk factors for the potential loss and the basic potential business activities.

  13. It shall set up an effective system to comply with laws, rules and regulations by appointing the compliance officer.
  14. It shall have business plan containing business design, business process environment and the risk factors.
  15. It shall set up a system to prevent the insider trading.
  16. It shall continuously operate and manage stably without any influence by keeping soundness of good corporate governance, internal management and internal control system.
  17. It shall have rational expectation to get a profit base upon stable revenue.

For more details and FAQ about listing on YSX, the listing guidebook published by YSX can be downloaded here.

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